Being one of the leading Business centers in Deira Dubai, Rigga Business center Deira Dubai would like to invite all the Brokers, Land Lords and investors to join our family for eye caching Commissions and investment returns.
We have 4 reputed Business centers In Dubai, named Varsal Business center Deira Dubai, Rigga Business Center Deira Dubai, Hashtag Business center Deira Dubai and Payless Business center Garhoud. We invite all the brokers who are interested to Join us and get a commission of 5% for every deal you close. Click the button below to get registered as a broker
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We have 4 Business centers comprising more than 200 offices in different locations our locations are Near Union Metro Station, GGICO metro station, Deira city center metro station and Baniyas metro station. You can refer your friend for family who is looking for an office space we would be happy to give you an incentive after the deal is closed
Click here to refer Friend or FamilyLandlord
If you are aproperty owner, Rigga business center has been doing business since 2017 we have 4 centers with total squared feet over 50000, and if you want to convert your vacant property to a business center and get you a return of 200AED per square feet. Contact us and we will do the need full.
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Varsal business center operating since 2017has 4 reputed Business centers In Dubai and we are expanding our business centers by adding more business centers from different locations as well as by expanding the area of the centers. Currently, we have investors who are enjoying an investment return up to 30 -50 % per annum. If you have any unutilized funds and looking to invest, we warmly invite all our valuable investors to invest in our business. To invest click the button below. Also, you can download our financial reports .
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